famas The interest of the State is to defend the productive forces against internal and external disturbances, while preventing them from organizing their own protection, in order to stabilize its tax
famas The State asserts its legitimacy by claiming to represent the interests of the people who live on its territory, through various ideologies, in order to make contributors docile and limit
bitcoin L’acceptation de l’État assure la pérennité du prélèvement fiscal, en faisant en sorte que son pouvoir n’ait pas pas besoin d’être maintenu par la force pure.
bitcoin Un système est géré par les mathématiques et la physique. L'autre est dirigé par Biden, Trudeau, JPow, Lagarde. Choix difficile ~ utxo_one ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #nostrfr…
bitcoin The only war we need is a hash war. ~ StackingHats ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #streetcybercrew…
bitcoin Decentralization doesn't matter until it does. ~ clarkmoody ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography…
bitcoin I just told a no-coiner the legend of Satoshi Nakamoto. Their response: "Wow, that's like Neo from the Matrix but in real." ~ callebtc ~ #bitcoin #wherostr
bitcoin l’État bénéficie d’une large acceptation de la part de la population, qui peut aller de l’approbation active à la résignation passive. Ludovic Lars #bitcoin #photography #nostrfr #bitcoinrocks…
bitcoin Bitcoin s’inscrit dans un rapport antagoniste avec l’État, qui revendique une prérogative exclusive sur la monnaie et un contrôle inquisitorial sur son utilisation. Ludovic Lars #bitcoin #photography #nostrfr
bitcoin Bitcoin donne aux individus une propriété entière et souveraine sur leur argent. Ludovic Lars #bitcoin #photography #nostrfr #bitcoinrocks…
bitcoin Productive devs: Bitcoin needs every single developer it can get. Toxic plebs: bitcOin dOeSN't NEeD yOU!1!! ~ callebtc ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #bitcoinrocks…
bitcoin You will never be wealthy without freedom. It is a prerequisite for wealth because otherwise it is not your wealth. ~ ODELL ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #bitcoinrocks…
bitcoin Put your censorship outrage in buying #Bitcoin Opt out of the fallen system. ~ Vivekyreal_ ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #photography #bitcoinrocks…
bitcoin Do not ask permission. Build grassroots local bitcoin economies. Governments will have to choose between embracing us or fighting us. This is the story of El Zonte and El Salvador.
bitcoin If you think that governments can ban #bitcoin, then you don't understand #bitcoin. If you think that governments won't try to ban #bitcoin, then you don&
bitcoin le cœur de l’utilisation de Bitcoin se situe aux confins de ce qui est autorisé par les puissances de ce monde… Il pourrait devenir un « territoire de liberté ». Ludovic
bitcoin You can ignore Bitcoin, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring bitcoin. ~ mgtowfrank ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #bitcoinrocks…