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famas Monetary inflation is the surplus of money production compared to natural production on the free market. It results from the manipulation of money by the power in place, which seeks
famas The state enjoys broad acceptance from the population, which can range from active approval to passive resignation. Ludovic Lars #famas #tourdefrancebitcoin #bitcoinrocks…
famas Bitcoin is part of an antagonistic relationship with the state, which claims an exclusive prerogative over the currency and inquisitorial control over its use. Ludovic Lars #famas #tourdefrancebitcoin #bitcoinrocks…
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bitcoin l’État bénéficie d’une large acceptation de la part de la population, qui peut aller de l’approbation active à la résignation passive. Ludovic Lars #bitcoin #photography #nostrfr #bitcoinrocks…
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bitcoin Bitcoin donne aux individus une propriété entière et souveraine sur leur argent. Ludovic Lars #bitcoin #photography #nostrfr #bitcoinrocks…
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bitcoin Do not ask permission. Build grassroots local bitcoin economies. Governments will have to choose between embracing us or fighting us. This is the story of El Zonte and El Salvador.
bitcoin le cœur de l’utilisation de Bitcoin se situe aux confins de ce qui est autorisé par les puissances de ce monde… Il pourrait devenir un « territoire de liberté ». Ludovic
bitcoin You can ignore Bitcoin, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring bitcoin. ~ mgtowfrank ~ #bitcoin #wherostr #famas #photography #bitcoinrocks…