bitcoin Bitcoin is the only asset where supply is unaffected by demand Bill Miller - #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Gold is stuck in the ground. Bitcoin is stuck in the future. Jack Mallers - #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Where there is trust in others there is a rug (to be pulled) -Satoshi Nakamoto- #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Bitcoin is not the question Bitcoin is the answer -Adam Back- #bitcoin #wherostr #photography…
bitcoin Roses are Red Violets are Blue Taxation is Theft And Inflation is too -Robert Breedlove- #bitcoin #wherostr #photography…
bitcoin You'll own nothing And you'll be happy World Economic Forum (WEF) 2017 #bitcoin #photography…
bitcoin If you want to change the world, don't protest. Write code! Hal Finney- #bitcoin #photography…
bitcoin Imagine everything there is and everything that will ever be, divided by 21 million. -Knut Svanholm #bitcoin #photography…
bitcoin If the government controls your money, you become their slave -Layah Hailpern- #bitcoin #photography…
bitcoin Bitcoin will do to Banks what Email did to the Postal Industry -Rick Falkvinge- #bitcoin #photography…
bitcoin I do think bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like change the world Peter Thiel - #bitcoin #photography…