bitcoin Peter Van Valkenburgh: "Bitcoin is the world's first globally accessible public money." #bitcoin #whetostr…
bitcoin The land of the free and home of the brave is no longer a physical country #Bitcoin ~ knutsvanholm ~ #wherostr…
bitcoin Reminder that it's perfectly legal to avoid the inflation tax by simply holding bitcoin - sthenc - #bitcoin #whetostr…
bitcoin Satoshi gave us what politicians promised but never delivered. ~ Vivekureal_ ~ #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Fiat is rooted in military power. Bitcoin is rooted in computational power. ~ dergigi ~ #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Came for "what the fuck is this?" '... Stayed for the "let's fuck them with this"... ~ hgxbitcoin ~ #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Bitcoin is backed by the credibility of its monetary properties -Parker Lewis- #bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin "Fiat is broken, and you can't fix it. Bitcoin works, and you can't break it." Lina Seiche -#bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Bitcoin is the best way to protect yourself from the inflationary tax imposed by the central bank. Javier Milei -#bitcoin #wherost…
bitcoin Bitcoin is the first, global, private, digital, rules-based, monetary system in the history of the world. -Cathie Wood-#bitcoin #wherostr…
bitcoin Decentralization is what allows Bitcoin to substitute an army of computers for an army of accountants, investigators, and lawyers. Nick Szabo - #bitcoin #wherostr…